Sunday, August 21, 2011

Comic Jam

I was sitting around one day, disappointed that again I couldn't find any online comic jams to cut my teeth on (as, being that I'd never drawn a comic page before, I was intimidated by the prospect of creating an entire comic - and, congruently, an idea - all by myself), when it hit me: I could start one! After patting myself on the back for being proactive for the first time ever, I started a jam with a handful of Powerhouse Animation artists with the stipulation that each artist could only see the page directly before theirs (a rule that, if I ever start another jam, I will definitely not be reinstating). After a fair amount of dropouts, the comic ended a few pages in, still in the prologue stages. Much appreciation to those who stuck with it, and much pain and suffering to those who didn't!
Here's the page I did - the first page of the comic.