Monday, February 24, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Chun Li vs Cammy

Once again couldn't bring myself to work the outlines into the paint :) Also I'm noticing a few of my recent pieces have been sharing a similar color scheme... like this one and this one. I think I'll call this my blue and magenta period.

I've been watching a couple videos on digital painting and picking up a few tricks here and there. I'm working flatter (fewer layers - still not as flat as they do in the videos) and using a base background color that I color over on another layer, not at full opacity. This makes it a lot easier to experiment with the HSL sliders and quickly change the color scheme, by tying the whole piece together.

Here are the thumbnail and outline stages:

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Watermelon farmers

Husband and wife character designs for a comic idea. Happy with how these turned out, though the woman may be a bit too heavily influenced by an artist I've recently been obsessed with....
Fortunately, I like the guy's design more, except I'm not sure about the legs, and I'm certainly open to suggestions if anyone has a better eye for character design.

I'm wondering if their height difference is going to be a problem for staging...?

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Before I dropped out of my digital painting class for being a bit basic, I spent a week doing a sketch every day. A good practice that I don't have the discipline or creativity for, but I got a couple doodles out of it. Still trying to play with style, and using pen for the first time.

It looks okay, but I like the old school anime look of Fabien Mense more. One of the things I dislike most about anime is the copy-paste character designs, where the only real difference between all the characters is hairstyle, color, and clothes. There's still enough play with shape with Mense for some personality to come through, plus I'm just partial thanks to being raised on Osamu Tezuka's Unico and the like.