Friday, March 22, 2013

Amazing Girl

Quick sketch, blatant and shameless ripoff of a Skullgirls sketch. Also going to steal John Su's practice of drawing first and inventing a story after as an exercise in creativity.

Her story is when she was young, both of her parents were shot in front of her. Raised by her butler, that inner turmoil has manifested itself as the embodiment of vengeance: Amazing Girl. The twist is she's shit at it, and in reality she's just mentally unstable. She was killed in action attempting to stop her first robbery.

Seeing as within a simple doodle I've only gone and ripped off Skullgirls, John Su, and Batman, I think I can say with some confidence that this exercise in creativity was an utter failure.

RIP, Amazing Girl.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Femshep vs Harbinger

Yeah, I know it doesn't look like your Shepard. Deal with it.