Saturday, May 30, 2015

Little Krishna

I've had a not-so-well-developed-or-researched idea for a comic strip about the mischievous years of Lord Krishna as a child (I always thought it was charming that the actual mythology of a deity includes a mischievous childhood and a, if I remember correctly, lady-killer young adulthood).

Actually, save for the mythologies that are basically humorless self-appointed moral arbiters that hold too much sway in contemporary world affairs, I've always found mythology and folklore - Greek, Celtic - stories fascinating, and endeavor to one day suppress my laziness long enough to read up on them more.

I digress. Here's a design for Lord Krishna and his flute, and his mind's visual representation of his previous life, Lord Vishnu. One idea for the comic was that despite having four arms, Lord Vishnu always only has one free hand, and his other arms act more as props.

The more I think about this, the more I think if I'm not careful, this could turn into Calvin and Hobbes far too easily.

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